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Miðvikudaginn 17. maí í Eirbergi stofu 103 klukkan 15:30
Fyrirlesari var Der Fa Lu sérfræðingur á sviði upplýsingatækni

Þessi fyrirlestur var í boði Fókus, faghóps um upplýsingatækni í heilbrigðisþjónustu, og þverfaglegs náms í upplýsingatækni á heilbrigðissviði við Háskóla Íslands.       

Standardized Nursing Language in SNOMED CTâ: A Cross Mapping Validation Method
Many standardized healthcare languages have been mapped to the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Termsâ (SNOMED CTâ).  This study describes a methodology to detect mis-assigned concepts from these source systems to SNOMED CTâ; presents the results applying this methodology to a subset of concepts from two standardized nursing languages (Nursing Interventions Classificationâ, NICâ; and Nursing Outcomes Classificationâ, NOCâ).  The methodology is based on comparing the knowledge representations of a set of nursing concepts between source systems (nursing languages) and SNOMED CTâ.  If any nursing concept differs in knowledge representation in the target system compared to the source system, editorial mis-assignment of the concept was found and recommendations were made for target system developers.  In a total of 75 nursing concepts used to test this method, 5 mis-assigned concepts (6.6%) in SNOMED CTâ were found.  This method can be used to validate other healthcare languages.   Samhöfundar Der Fa Lu eru: David Eichmann, PhD, The University of Iowa, School of Library Information Science; Debra Konicek, MSN RN BC, of American Pathologists, Terminology Manager, Nursing, SNOMED CTâ; Hyun Tae Park, PhD RN, The University of Iowa, College of Nursing; Prangtip Ucharattana, MSN RN, Mahidol University, Faculty of Nursing, Bangkok Thailand og Connie Delaney, PhD RN FAAN, FACMI, The University of Iowa, College of Nursing.


  • 17. maí 2006