Nýsköpunarvikan - Health Tech in the Nordics
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„Health Tech in the Nordics“
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Lýðfræðilegar áskoranir hafa í dag mikil áhrif á heilbrigðiskerfi heimsins. Jafnframt standa Norðurlöndin frammi fyrir vaxandi hlutfalli aldraðra samhliða aukningu í lífsstíls- og langvinnum sjúkdómum. Norðurlöndin eru því í sameiningu að takast á við þessar áskoranir og hafa nú hrint af stað umbreytingaferli á heilbrigðiskerfum sínum. Besta leiðin til aukinna lífsgæða er að koma í veg fyrir að fólk veikist og eru fyrirbyggjandi lausnir því sérlega mikilvægar. Í dag er um það bil 10% af vergri landsframleiðslu Norðurlandanna varið í meðferðarúrræði heilbrigðiskerfisins en einungis 0,3% er varið í fyrirbyggjandi heilbrigðisúrræði. Norðurlöndin taka nú höndum saman og vinna að því að auka áherslu á fyrirbyggjandi aðgerðir með það að leiðarljósi að jafna úthlutun fjármagns sem varið er í heilbrigðiskerfin og stefna að 5/5 hlutfalli milli meðferðar- og fyrirbyggjandi aðgerða.
Norræn samstaða er lykillinn að því að viðhalda stöðu Norðurlandanna sem leiðtogar á heimsvísu í heilbrigðismálum og tryggja samkeppnishæfa framtíð heilbrigðisgreina. Framtíðarsýnin er að Norðurlöndin verði árið 2030 orðin leiðandi á heimsvísu með sjálfbært og tæknivætt heilbrigðiskerfi sem bjóði upp á sérsniðna heilbrigðisþjónustu fyrir alla Norðurlandabúa.
(Ský in cooperation with Nordic Innovation hosts an online conference in Iceland Innovation Week about the future of HealthTech in the Nordics as a part of the Nordic Innovation Project „Health, Demography and Quality of Life“. On a global level, demographic challenges have a major impact on health care systems. Nordic countries have a growing proportion of elderly people and an increased prevalence of lifestyle and chronic diseases. The Nordic region is facing those challenges head-on and is going through a transformation process. The best way for increased quality of life is to prevent you from becoming sick. Currently, approximately 10% of the GDP is spent on treatment and 0,3% on prevention. The Nordics want to see more focus on preventive health and the ratio becoming 5/5. We believe Nordic cooperation is key to maintain our position as global frontrunners and secure a competitive future for the health-related industries. Our vision is that by 2030, the Nordics will be the most sustainable and integrated health region in the world, providing the best possible personalized health care for all its citizens.)
12:55 Live broadcast starts
13:00 Progress update from HealthTech Nordic – engaging and highlighting over 200 briliant Nordic HealthTech Solutions internationally
How to shift focus from treatment to prevention, 5/5 aspiration
The Nordic region is facing those challenges head on and is going through a transformation process. The best way for increased quality of life is to prevent you from becoming sick. Currently, approximately 10% of the GDP is spent on treatment and 0,3% on prevention. The Nordics wants to see more focus on preventive health and the ratio becoming 5/5.
Marianne Larsson, HealthTech Nordic
13:20 Health tech investment trends and how legislation can facilitate innovation
Health tech is the convergence of health care and technology.
By 2040, health care as we know it today will no longer exist and “Health care” will have shifted to “health” and new data driven archetypes will have emerged. In order for the Nordics to be in the forefront of that development legislative solutions need to found on how to bridge Nordic health data and personal data for utilization in the Nordic health ecosystems.
Haraldur Ingi Birgisson, Deloitte
13:40 How to make Health Tech in the Nordics succeed?
What factors are important for Health Tech success in the Nordics? Challenges, pitfalls and success examples.
How do we compete with the “international industrial giants” and the Asian competition. Health Tech success in the affluent Nordics is a game of initial strategic decisions and long term economical sustainability
Kristleifur Kristjánsson, Össur
14:00 Fundarlok og útsendingu lýkur
Fundarstjóri: Erla Björnsdóttir, Betri svefn
Nordic co-operation is the key to reach the vision that is the foundation of the project:
„In 2030, the Nordics will be the most sustainable and integrated health region in the world, providing the best possible personalised health care for all its citizens.“
7. október 2020
kl. 13-14
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