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17. mars 2022

Don’t follow your dreams

Shafagh PirouzWe have always been encouraged to follow our dreams and to choose a profession that brings us happiness. Many people choose a career because they are following their passion. Would that passion remain once we find our dream job? Imagine someone finding a job in the area that they are passionate about, but the strict factors in the work environment such as stress, long working hours, the pressure for finishing the tasks, and fulfilling customer’s needs would affect the initial feeling about that profession.

Another example would be someone like me who followed the dream of being a 3D designer, working in museums, and creating 3D designs of archaeological artifacts to preserve human history. After many years of hard studying, finally I realized that the job market is not in demand for this type of profession.

Is it still a good idea to follow our dreams? Or is that unrealistically overoptimistic?

We are moving towards a technological era, changing the structure of society, consequently influencing the job market. It would be advantageous to evaluate the jobs that are in demand and teach them in schools by using new technologies.

Now the question is “How can we influence the students to choose the profession that is more needed in society?”

One of the advantages of using the new technological tools in schools is that they are accessible to everyone. Nowadays, anyone at any time can use their phones, computers, or tablets to follow a course. Another advantage is that the new online teaching methods demand using all our senses. We interact with our screens through colorful shapes and sounds. Making the learning process more efficient and positive. Let’s illustrate this idea by taking an example of today’s society.

Now more than ever, many professions demand computer skills. We could cultivate those skills from a young age in kindergartens. We could teach the basics of computer science disguised as games, creating a positive learning environment. Plus, this would attract their curiosity and influence their choice in the career of computer science.

I believe that we could use technology in schools to influence the choice of students by picking one profession over another. Of course, this vision could sound strict or even unsympathetic. However, the results would be beneficial for the economic structure of society and the students. It would help society to provide jobs that are most needed on the market. It would also be valuable on the personal level because since that person is applying for the jobs that are needed, it creates job security.

Therefore, using the technological tools in schools to influence the students to choose a specific profession is advantageous.

Then here comes the question: “Is this not pushing the students away from exercising what they are truly passionate about?”

Usually, we are not passionate about something that we are not good at nor have gained enough knowledge about. I believe that passion is something that we cultivate with time. We tend to be passionate about the fields in which we have valuable skills.

To conclude, the correct use of the technological tools in schools could help the students to cultivate passion in fields that they have not been interested in before. Passion comes through the learning process by practicing and achieving visible results.

Author: Shafagh Pirouz, a student at Reykjavik Univesity


Jachimowicz, J. M. (2019, October 15). 3 Reasons it's SO hard to "Follow your passion".

Retrieved from Harvard Business Review:

Matthíasdóttir, Á. (2018, November 14). Hverning er best að kenna forritun? Retrieved from Ský:


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