Upphaf hraðbankanna. Valur Valsson (2012)
Seðlabanki Íslands. Ágrip af upplýsinga- og tölvuvæðingarmálum fram til ársins 2000 (PDF 38K). Ágúst Ú. Sigurðsson
Landsbanki Íslands. Upphaf tölvuvæðingar Landsbankans (PDF 60K). Sveinbjörn Guðbjarnason
Stofnár, númer og lokaár íslenskra banka (Úrelt, bíður uppfærslu)
Banki |
stofnár |
númer |
lokaár |
Seðlabanki Íslands |
1961 |
0001 |
Landsbanki Íslands |
1886 |
01nn |
Landsbanki Íslands h.f. |
1997 |
01nn |
Útvegsbanki Íslands h/f |
1930 |
Útvegsbanki Íslands |
1957 |
02nn |
Útvegsbanki Íslands h.f. |
1987 |
02nn |
1989 |
Búnaðarbanki Íslands |
1930 |
Búnaðarbanki Íslands h.f. |
1998 |
03nn |
2002 |
KB banki h.f. / Kaupþing |
2003 |
03nn |
Iðnaðarbanki Íslands h.f. |
1952 |
04nn |
1989 |
Íslandsbanki h.f. / Glitnir |
1990 |
05nn |
Samvinnubanki Íslands |
1963 |
06nn |
1991 |
Verzlunarbanki Íslands h.f. |
1961 |
07nn |
1989 |
Alþýðubankinn h.f. |
1971 |
08nn |
1989 |
Breiðletraðir eru einu bankarnir sem eru starfandi í dag að ógleymdum Sparisjóðabanka Íslands (stofnaður 1986, ‘1100’) og sparisjóðunum, sem skipta með sér númerunum 11nn.
Sá var munurinn á ríkisbönkunum tveim, Landsbanka og Búnaðarbanka, og Útvegsbanka að þeir voru stofnaðir sem slíkir en Útvegsbankinn sem hlutafélag. Hann varð síðan ríkisbanki með lögum frá 1957. Saga bankanna er auðvitað lengri og samrunaferlið flóknara, en í okkar samhengi líklega ekki ástæða til að fara dýpra í það.
Póstur og sími starfrækti um nokkurra ára skeið póstgíróbankann PÓSTGÍRÓ sem hafði númerið 09nn. Íbúðalánasjóður er vistaður hjá Sparisjóði Hólahrepps og notar númerin 10nn (ásamt öðrum lánasjóðum, lífeyrissjóðum og ýmsum stofnunum).
Enn er að nefna kortafyrirtækin tvö sem eru aðilar að starfrækslu Reiknistofunnar. Þau heita nú VISA ÍSLAND (1401) og Kreditkort h.f. (1501).
kga 2005
Kristján Geir Arnþórsson, gæðastjóri Reiknistofu bankanna
Ath.: Ofanritað hefur ekki verið uppfært frá 2005. Miklar breytiingar hafa orðið síðan. Greinin stendur fyrir sínu varðandi þáverandi stöðu mála og er því látin standa með þessum fyrirvara. (JG jan 2013)
Samantekt á ensku vegna ráðstefnu um sögu tölvunnar á Norðurlöndum 2003:
Reiknistofa bankanna
The larger banks in Iceland started to use punched cards systems for data processing in the 50’s and some had acquired computers by the late 60´s. The growing use of cheques was rapidly becoming an unsolvable task for the banks using traditional methods.
In the year 1970 the public banks in Iceland embarked on cooperation project to find a common solution to their core data processing needs and in particular to the mounting problem of clearing cheques. Subsequently Reiknistofa bankanna (Icelandic Banks Data Centre) was established and the common processing started in 1975 after an extended period of training and preparation. The first application involved processing of cheques using Optical Character Reading of numbers imprinted at the bottom edge of the cheques. By 1976 a bank customer could make a cheque transaction in any bank office and the transaction would be recorded into the relevant account with electronic document interchange and with the account balance entered into the account of each Bank at the Central Bank of Iceland. Thus, every evening, RB returned the same results as obtained earlier with the “spot checks” of the Central Bank. The spot checks had been carried out 3-5 times a year at considerable cost and effort. The level of automation achieved by this was unprecedented worldwide as best known. The volume of entries in the cheque system during the first complete operating year was 13.6 million transactions.
By 1981, the electronic booking of transactions and electronic transfer of funds was in effect for all of Iceland. Bank customers could then cash a cheque from any bank at any branch in the country and the clearing was instant. This put an end to the fraudulent practice of covering one bad cheque by the issue of another. The first expedition system was taken on-line in 1982, when the cheque system and the main general ledger system developed by the Industrial Bank were incorporated and integrated with other applications at RB. The following year saw negotiations with computer companies for the purchase of on-line front-desk equipment, and the Icelandic Savings Banks’ Association became a full partner. Most of the electronic records of RB became accessible for on-line queries in 1984. The first on-line teller system was taken into use in 1985 in the Landsbanki-Breidholt branch and by 1987 paper-free payment exchanges were affected in the Reykjavík metropolitan area.
In the year 1985 the total number of transactions in the common applications of Reiknistofa bankanna was 52.4 million records. The same year the number of employees reached 81. The computer system used was an IBM-4381 mainframe, IBM-DOS operating system, using PL/I as the main programming language. Two years later the IBM-MVS operating system replaced the DOS requiring major updating of all systems and applications. In 1987 central OCR reading of cheques ceased at RB as all the required data was entered at the on-line teller terminals.
bgó 2003
Bjarni Grétar Ólafsson