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Paving for eFuture

Paving for eFuture: Cross border eBusiness Readiness

Fjölþjóðleg ráðstefna ETeB og Ský um stöðu rafrænna viðskipta
Fimmtudaginn 13. september á Icelandair Hótel Loftleiðum í Reykjavík

Þróun viðskipta í Evrópu byggir mjög á upplýsinga- og fjarskiptatækni og útfærslu á rafrænum lausnum í viðskiptum á milli aðila. Nýting upplýsingatækni í viðskiptum og opinberri stjórnsýslu fer hratt vaxandi. Þörfin fyrir hnökralaus samskipti milli aðila og milli ríkja er mjög aðkallandi, meðal annars vegna samkeppnissjónamiða. Þetta kemur til dæmis fram í fjölmörgum verkefnum sem nú er unnið að. Á ráðstefnunni munu innlendir og erlendir fulltrúar frá fyrirtækjum, stjórnsýslu og samtökum fjalla um stöðuna og tækifæri sem bjóðast.

Ráðstefnan er á vegum ETeB samstarfsins (European Network of National Test-beds for eBusiness), sem staðið hefur að verkefninu eBCM-RAP ( Verkefnið hefur staðið yfir í þrjú ár, það er stutt af Norrænu nýsköpunarmiðstöðinni og verkefnisstjórn er í höndum Staðlaráðs Íslands. Markmið verkefnisins er að þróa líkan sem nær til helstu þátta rafræns viðskiptaumhverfis og er ætlað að þjóna sem vegvísir við áframhaldandi þróun. Niðurstaða verkefnisins verður kynnt á ráðstefnunni.

Á ráðstefnunni verður fjallað um:

•    Mikilvægi samstarfs á milli ríkja og vægi Norðurlanda í þróun rafrænna viðskipta í Evrópu
•    Lærdóm Finna af stefnumörkun í upplýsinga- og fjarskiptatækni og árangur fyrir lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki
•    Framgang NES (North European Subset) samstarfsins og árangur í samþættingu gagna í rafrænum innkaupum
•    Mikilvægi og sérstöðu opinna og sértækra hugbúnaðarlausna
•    Tækifæri fyrirtækja í upplýsingatækni nútímans, helstu hindranir og nauðsynlegar úrbætur
•    Niðurstöður eBCM-RAP verkefnisins
•    Áherslur í Eistlandi á skipulag, samræmingu gagna og tæknilega samþættingu
•    Áherslur UN/CEFACT í þróun rafrænna viðskipta og mikilvæga þætti til árangurs
•    Nýsköpun á Norðurlöndum og áherslur Norræna nýsköpunarsjóðsins á samstarf um uppbyggingu á þekkingarbrunnum fyrir nýsköpun í atvinnulífi

Ráðstefnan verður á ensku


09:00 Opening and a brief introduction of the eBusiness Community Model, eBCM, and the conference objectives.
Jón Ásbergsson, CEO, Icelandic Trade Council - Conference Chair
09:10 eBusiness - a key driver for economies
eBusiness (B2B and B2G) development and the importance of cross border cooperation. The Nordic dimension in European context.
Minister of Commerce- Björgvin G. Sigurðsson
09:20 eBusiness in a global context
Representative from UN/CEFACT, a leading international organization in eBusiness development, presents his thoughts on the mainstream eBusiness advancement and the leadership his organization provides.
Anders Grangård, FMG Vice Chair, UN/CEFACT & Technical Director GS1 - Glærur -


ICT policy programmes, lessons learned
Have the policy programmes resulted in more cost-effective governmental operations? 
Have the policy programmes resulted in a stronger ICT industry?
Have the policy programmes helped SMEs in the adoption of ICT?
Antti Eskola, Commercial Counsellor, Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry - Glærur -
10:35 Coffee break
10:50 Data interoperability and the Nordic eProcurement Initiative
NES (Northern European Subset) Interoperability of data is of growing concern to companies, organization and governments communicating electronically. NES (Northern European Subset) is a cooperation of countries to facilitate the practical use of electronic means in the procurement chain, while securing interoperability of data. The initiative comprises representation from both government and industry.
Per Schultz Eeg, Head of Data Standardization Division, Danish National IT and Telecom Agency
- Glærur -
11:25 What is best for business? Proprietary vs. open source software solutions
The ICT Industry is facing new challenges and a growing awareness of users about own needs for applications, solutions and operational environment. A dialogue / debate between a software vendor for proprietary solution and a representative from the open source community, about how to serve the business community best with respect to total cost of acquisition and use of applications.

Kaido Kikkas, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Social and Free Software, Department of Informatics, Tallinn University - Glærur -
Andreas Ebert, Regional Technology Officer, European Union, Microsoft - Glærur -
12:15 Lunch
13:15 Profit from ICT-Business operations in trading.
How ICT can be utilized for business benefit. A practitioner´s experience and view on the opportunities, current barriers and necessary improvements.
Tryggvi Þorsteinsson, Managing Director Operations, Iceland Post - Glærur -
13:50 Paving for eFuture - the eBCM (eBusiness Community Model)
Efficient eBusiness calls for a common understanding of its key elements. The eBCM is a tool to reach this objective.
Project´s study demonstrates the views and expectations of managers in four European countries, towards eBusiness.
The eBCM-RAP is a multinational project where the eBCM has been developed. The project is supported by the Nordic Innovation Centre, NICe.
Rúnar Már Sverrisson, eBCM-RAP Project Manager - Glærur -
14:30 Coffee break

14:50 IT Interoperability Framework
Three dimensions of interoperability – how does it work in action?
- Organisational: The ability of organisations to use information systems so as to offer services to other organisations or to their clients.
- Semantic: The ability of different organisations to understand exchanged data in a similar way.
-Technical interoperability of infrastructure and software: The ability of hardware acquired by different organisations to work in a connected way and the ability of software used by different organisations to exchange data.
Uuno Vallner, Ph.D, Head of Division, Department of State Informations Systems, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications - Glærur -
15:30 Innovative and knowledge
-intensive Nordic business sector
A NICe representative presents the view that establishing common Nordic knowledge platforms on strategically important areas will give Nordic businesses access to the best knowledge possible and greatly enhance their innovation capabilities.

Sigríður Ólafsdóttir, Board Member, Nordic Innovation Centre, NICe - Glærur -
15:55 Closing

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  • 13. september 2007